The Strange Visitation At Wolffe Hall

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To Grayson’s surprise, the sun came out right after breakfast and was now shining brightly on this glorious spring day. Grayson rode Albert, his gray gelding from the Rothermere stud, who, unfortunately, stopped without fail if he spotted a patch of strawberries. Luckily, there were few strawberries about Belhaven. Grayson breathed in the rich, briny smell of the North Sea only a half mile to the east.
Ten minutes later, he gently pulled Albert up in the middle of the long drive leading to the h
...all. Pip was bouncing up and down, pointing. “It’s bigger than our house, Papa, but it’s not like the pictures Mary Beth showed me. There were lots of columns. This one doesn’t have any.”
“No, it’s not in the Palladian style.” Wolffe Hall stood tall and proud atop a small hillock surrounded by acres of chestnuts, oaks, and larches. The three-story rectangular stone house had aged to a soft gray over the past three hundred years, a handsome property, a dozen well-run tenant farms supporting it nicely.

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The Strange Visitation At Wolffe Hall
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