The Surgeon's Surprise Twins (2011)

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The book The Surgeon's Surprise Twins was written by author Here you can read free online of The Surgeon's Surprise Twins book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Surgeon's Surprise Twins a good or bad book?
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What reading level is The Surgeon's Surprise Twins book?
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Tonight, though, she caught herself drooping by 10:00 p.m.
“I can hardly keep my eyes open,” she told Ned as she sat in the kitchen, watching him fix ice cream sundaes. “It’s ridiculously early.”
Through an open window above the sink, a welcome breeze played over her. That revived her a little, but she could feel a whole series of yawns backed up like cars at a stop sign.
“You’re pregnant. You need your sleep. And your calcium and potassium.” He set a bowl in front of her. Bananas, vanilla ice c
...ream, caramel topping, peanut sprinkles. Mmm. “Also, you’re big for your date, as I’m sure you know. That doctor in L.A. really isn’t concerned?”
“I’m fine.” Bailey toyed with the notion of admitting the truth and persuading Ned to give her a checkup, but she hated to confide such an intimate family matter. Also, he wasn’t a nurse practitioner, and she didn’t want to involve him in anything that might boomerang on him.
Her friend had already had one dustup with Owen today, she’d learned.

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The Surgeon's Surprise Twins
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