The Surprise Holiday Dad

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The book The Surprise Holiday Dad was written by author Here you can read free online of The Surprise Holiday Dad book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Surprise Holiday Dad a good or bad book?
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And he didn’t exactly live there now, even though he’d moved his stuff into the spare bedroom. As a temporary resident, he still felt like a hotel guest—a nonpaying one.
    Perhaps that explained why, during the two weeks since arriving, he’d done his best to maintain a low-key presence, putting away every dish and smoothing the couch after watching TV. Aside from leaving a few personal articles in the bathroom he shared with Reggie, he confined his possessions to his own room.
    Also, while
...they’d agreed on ground rules about noise, meals and schedules, he kept stumbling across things he hadn’t considered. Adrienne forgot to warn him that she employed a cleaning service twice a month, and Wade narrowly escaped major embarrassment that morning when he darted from the bathroom to retrieve the clothes he’d left in the bedroom. Wrapped in a towel, he nearly mowed down a lady wielding a dust cloth.

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