The Surprise Princess

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What reading level is The Surprise Princess book?
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    She was only a few minutes away from having three full days of a normal work-week under her belt. That was good. Great, in fact. She welcomed normalcy.
    April and Hunter had left Monday morning with admonitions about keeping her eyes open, just in case. Brad had left before she’d even gotten up, traveling to see prospects in Tennessee. So she’d only had C.J. and Carolyn being over-protective.
    True, there had been a phone call Tuesday. It was King Jozef. He added his assurances Hunter’s that she would not be bothered again.
    He next said he regretted that for security reasons he would not be able to visit her in Ashton as he’d planned to. Before she recovered, he suggested she come to Bariavak.
    She quickly declined, citing her work responsibilities.
    “Ah, yes. Then I must hope an opportunity presents itself.”
    That left her a little uneasy, but he didn’t push, so perhaps it was paranoia.

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