The Surprise Triplets (2014)

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Now that they were in private, though, it took all his resolve not to blurt the questions bedeviling him.
    How frustrating that her condition made her glow even more than usual. That was saying a lot. The first time he’d seen Melissa, sitting with her friends at a UCLA campus coffee shop, light through a leaded glass window had bathed her in gold. Now, at the memory, her radiance hit him doubly hard.
    They’d been a couple from the moment they met. He’d opened up to her, and she to him, or he’d believed. They’d agreed that their marriage, their intimacy and their commitment would always be the center of their lives.
    He’d been frank about the fact that fatherhood, on top of his demanding profession, would bring too many pressures. Edmond did nothing halfway, and he understood how important a father was to his children—a loving, devoted father, not a man who had them just because others expected him to.

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