The Swiss Family Robinson; Or, Adventures of a Father And Mother And Four Sons in a Desert Island

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The book The Swiss Family Robinson; Or, Adventures of a Father And Mother And Four Sons in a Desert Island was written by author Here you can read free online of The Swiss Family Robinson; Or, Adventures of a Father And Mother And Four Sons in a Desert Island book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Swiss Family Robinson; Or, Adventures of a Father And Mother And Four Sons in a Desert Island a good or bad book?
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What reading level is The Swiss Family Robinson; Or, Adventures of a Father And Mother And Four Sons in a Desert Island book?
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" Where am I, and what do I see ? " said she, when she could speak.
" You see the Franciade, mother," said her little boy ; " this beautiful colonnade v/as my invention, to protect you from the heat ; stay, read what is written above : Francis, to his dear mother. May this colonnade, which is called the Franciade, be to her a temple of happiness. Now mother, lean on me, and come and see my brothers' gifts — much better than mine ; " and he led her to Jack's pavilion, who was standing by the fou
He held a shell in his hand, which he filled with water, and drank, saying, " To the health of the Queen of the Island ; may she have no more accidents, and live as long as her children !
Long live Queen Elizabeth, and may she come every day to yackia, to drink her son Jack's health." I supported my wife, and was almost as much affected as herself. She wept and trembled with joy and surprise. Jack and Ernest then joined their hands, and carried her to the other pavilion, where Fritz was waiting to receive her, and the same scene of tenderness ensued.

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The Swiss Family Robinson; Or, Adventures of a Father And Mother And Four S...
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