The Sword of the Lady

Cover The Sword of the Lady
The Sword of the Lady
S.M. Stirling
The book The Sword of the Lady was written by author Here you can read free online of The Sword of the Lady book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Sword of the Lady a good or bad book?
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It was futile; the cold morning wind that snapped the dark brown banner with its snarling crimson bear′s head beside her blew more back into her face, along with a little dry snow from yesterday′s thin fall. The sun was far enough over the horizon now that a squint and the shade of her raised visor did well enough to show the huge rolling landscape that opened out before her. Gray-green sage, a frosting of white snow blown in numberless little crescents against the sides of brown dead bunchgrass..., the slightly darker brown of bare soil, aching-blue sky . . .
    She was a tall fair woman a little past forty; the face under the raised visor of her sallet helm was still beautiful, in a fashion now slightly harsh. The sixty pounds of Bearkiller cavalry armor—breast- and backplate of articulated steel lames, similar cover for upper arms and thighs, vambraces and greaves—didn′t bother her.
    It′s about the only thing about this cock-up that doesn′t bother me very much indeed, she thought.

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The Sword of the Lady
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