The Taming of the Bachelor

Cover The Taming of the Bachelor
The book The Taming of the Bachelor was written by author Here you can read free online of The Taming of the Bachelor book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Taming of the Bachelor a good or bad book?
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What reading level is The Taming of the Bachelor book?
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It’d been three weeks since Dillon left, and there had been no word from him, nothing to say that he’d arrived in Austin, and that things were going well. No call or text or email. No question about Tyler. Just...nothing.
Now it was the first week of March and it was finally sinking in that Dillon was really, truly gone, and not coming back.
It was almost easier the first week or two when she’d lived in a state of denial, half expecting to see him walk into the diner at any moment, his big shoul
...ders filling the doorway, or spot him driving down Main Street in his vintage green truck. But the weeks had passed without a glimpse of him and she’d begun to miss him.
The first few weeks after Dillon left, Tyler didn’t say much about him one way or another, but lately he was bringing him up, asking if Dillon would know this or that, suddenly wanting Dillon’s opinion on everything.
Paige tried hard to explain in the nicest way possible to her son that they couldn’t bother Dillon now that he was in Texas, that Mr.

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The Taming of the Bachelor
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