The Tariff History of the United States

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Thus, if any carpet wool should be improved at all by an ad- mixture of merino or English blood, it became dutiable as clothing or combing wool. If any bale stated by the importer to be dutiable under one class, contained any wool of another class, the whole bale was dutiable at the highest rate. If any wool had been sorted or increased in value by the rejection of any part of the original fleece, it was subject to double duty. Some of these provisions were framed in ambiguous language, giving ...occasion for troublesome litigation and uncertainty as to the real effect of the legislation. But all were objectionable to those who imported and used carpet wool, and emphasized the policy of keeping that article within the protective sys- tem. Yet if there is any article as to which that system does not attain its object, it is carpet wool. None is grown in the country, and none is likely to be ; it is a raw material for an important manufacture ; its free ad- mission would harm no vested interest.

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The Tariff History of the United States
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