The Technique of Thomas Hardy

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(III-V) Tess ^Angel 3. (VI) Tess ^Alec 4. (VII) Tess ^Angel How simple a plot-pattern this is may be indicated by making a similar chart for the successive moments (or books) in the story of The Native. In no case are there fewer than three major characters grouped in the situation of the moment. Almost every book finds a new character in the central position, between others ' Diagrams of this character were used by Professor H. C. Duffin, in his Thomas Hardy: a Study of the Wessex Novels, with... the object of show- ing the prominence of love-aflEairs in Hardy's plots.
PITY 183 who exert a pull in opposite directions. It is a closely woven pattern of many diverse threads— an elaborate study in counterpoint. In the later book, Tess is in every case one of two characters only whose relations are the theme of the moment. It is a pattern as open as that of the simplest folk-tune.
I . Thomasi n — Wildeve— ^ystacia Veiltr"Mrs. Yeobtight II. Wildeve— Eustacia— Clym Thotmasin III. Eustaciar-Clynif— Mrs.

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