The Theory And Policy of Labour Protection

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The Theory And Policy of Labour Protection
Germany. Laws, Statutes, Etc
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Protection of employment; and this of two kinds, viz. :— (i.) Restriction of employment ; (ii.) Prohibition of employment.
a. Protection of working-time with regard to the maximum duration of labour : General maximum working-day.
Factory maximum working-day (unrestricted in the case of adults — restricted in the case of ''juvenile workers^' and women).
b. Protection of intervals of rest : Protection of daily intervals — of night- work — of holidays — Sundays and festivals.
2. Protection during : Against dangers to life, health, and morals, and against neglect of teaching and instruction, incurred in course of work.
Digitized by Google CLASSIFICATION OF LABOUB PROTBCTION. 47 3. Protection in personal interconrse : — In the personal and industrial relations existing- between the dependent worker and the em- ployer and his people (truck-protection).
B. Protection of the status of the workman (protec- tion in the making and fulfilment of agree- ments) which may also be called : Protection of agreement^ or contract-protection.

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