The Toymaker of Nuremberg; a Play in Three Acts And Two Scenes

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I'm a soldier — and I've learned one thing. In a plan of action — act at once!
POET {puts cane down). But it's too sudden — the young people are not ready ! It's too quick!
SERGEANT. Silence! No broken reeds here! How does one elope, my poet friend?
POET {puzzled). How does one elope?
PAUL {as the Poet turns on him) . Please, sir, in the books they always elope in a coach and six!
SERGEANT. Well, We'll make it a coach and one. {Rises) We'll go and hire it at once ! In an hour's time !
POET {as
...the Sergeant turns to him). I protest — it's too sudden.
Sergeant Strumpf . The young girl will surely object SERGEANT. Bah! — you're a fool!
The Toy maker of Nuremberg 283 POET. A fool, sir!
SERGEANT. Can't you see if the girl Is afraid to elope, then she Is not worth the boy's love — and we are well rid of her?
POET {in admiration). You are right, you old war fox!
SERGEANT. Come, let us go hire the wagon — and then go to Kronfeldt's while Abraham is there.
[Going toward the door.

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The Toymaker of Nuremberg; a Play in Three Acts And Two Scenes
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