The Training of Teachers in Austria

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What reading level is The Training of Teachers in Austria book?
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Four weeks. G. Wesley Emerson, M.
D., Pres. Monroe College of Oratory, Boston, with members of the Faculty.
5. English Literature.
Prof. Daniel Dorchestkb Jr., A. M., Boston University.
6. French.
Prof. Alex. Guillet, A. M., Cleveland, Ohio.
7. Geology and Mineralogy.
Prof. Thos. J. Battey, A. M., Provi- dence, R. I.
8. German.
Prof. J. Blachbtkin, Boston, Mass.
9. History.
Wm. a. Mowby, a. M., Ph. D., Boston, Mass.
10. Latin and Greek.
Dana M. Duston, Monson Academy, Monson, Mass.
11 .Mathemat
...ics and Astronomy.
James Jenkins, Worcester, Mass.
12. Microscopy.
Miss Ella M. Drury, Natick, Mas^.
13. Music (Vocal).
To be announced later.
14. 3Iusic (Pianoforte).
Geo. H. Howard, A. M., Boston Mass.
15. Painting.
Miss Amelia M. Watson, E. Windsor HiU, Conn.
16. Shorthand and Typewriting.
Mrs. Maky Alderson Chandler, Bos- ton, Mass.
17. Zoology.
Wm. B. D^VIGHT, A. M., Ph. B., Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
WILLIAM A. MOWRY, President, 50 Bromfield Street, Boston, Mass.
A. W. EDSON, Manager School of Methods, Worcester, Mass.

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The Training of Teachers in Austria
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