The Treatment of Fractures, With Notes Upon a Few Common Dislocations

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The Treatment of Fractures, With Notes Upon a Few Common Dislocations
Charles Locke Scudder
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They are held firmly by adhesive-plaster straps. If they are cut the right length and width, they may be applied most effi- ciently without padding. A liberal amount of drying powder should be rubbed on the arm and chest. A piece of compress cloth should be placed on the side of the chest under the injured 1 86 FRACTURES OF THE HUMERUS arm, to prevent chafing. The upper arm is then held to the side of the chest by a gauze or other cloth swathe. Repair is rapid. Union is firm in about three week
...s. Fracture of the humerus in the newborn is sometimes associated with obstetrical paralysis of the upper extremity. This obstetrical paralysis should not be confounded with musculospiral paralysis.
The Musculospiral Nerve in Fracture of the Humerus. — The musculospiral nerve may be involved in fracture of the Fig. 199. — Appearances of musculospiral paralysb following fracture above the condyles ol the humerus. Note the wrist-drop (after Pedro Chutro, Buenos Airfes).
humeral shaft, particularly if the fracture is at the middle or in the lower third of the bone.

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The Treatment of Fractures, With Notes Upon a Few Common Dislocations
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