The Triumph of the N. C.'s

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The sight was too much for him. When I returned to the hotel he was on the point of leaving, as he had concluded my return might be too long delayed. He walked back with me into the lobby, and there I found a message, pasted around one of the sections of the airplane rib, which he admitted was his own handiwork. This message was the simple legend: "The thing that made Caproni jealous." It was this rib, adorned with this mess- age, which served as the foundation on which the ribs of the N.C's, s...hown in Chapter VII, were de- signed and built.
instrument lioanl, C'entrc \;:cclk\ .V.^.
-S^ ^1^^-* -^: ' j^^ 81 ^HI^SHhkIbj '« ft-' ''^^hHH ^f^^^^M^ t Wireless Control Station in the After Cockpit, N.C. 1 Liberty Engine, in Place on a Wing Nacelle, N.C.-l THE now OF THE iV.C. ; All llie |)roi)ellers are in motion, and she is ready for ilialit CHAPTER VII THE ACTUAL BUILDING — PLACING OUT PARTS OF THE WORK — MR. GILMORE's SHARE IN THE N.c's — ^HIS NAVAL ASSISTANTS — MOVING THE BIG PANELS OUT TO GARDEN CITY THE ASSEMBLING — ENGINE IN- STALLATION PROBLEMS BY THE middle of January, 1918, we were far enough advanced with the design to give consideration to building.

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