The Triumphs of Time 1

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What reading level is The Triumphs of Time 1 book?
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181 There was another pause ; the Doctor shook his head, so did !Mr. Lambert. Mr.
James looked grave, ]\Irs. James a little angry ; the rest, some frightened, some scan- dalised, and some as if they would not have been guilty of saying such a shocking- thing for the world. One young lady, Miss Phillis Harrison, who was suspected of being in love secretly with young JMr. Wilson, looked really aghast, and shook wdth a sudden tremor.
This was all that was said at this tea- party ; coffee and tea,
...crumpets and cakes, succeeded, handed about by Mrs. John's two dapper little maids — a delicious repast for those who love Mocha coffee — fine hyson, rich cream, old china, buttered muffins, almond cakes and macaroons, of whom I profess myself most sincerely to be one !^ Cards followed. Mr. James did not play cards; not that he thought it in the least degree wrong, but that he never did, or could, find the slightest amusement in play- ing at any game ; so Mr. Lambert, the Doc- tor, Mrs. James, and Mrs.

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The Triumphs of Time 1
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