The Truthfulness of Christianity Demonstrated And Illustrated ...

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The Truthfulness of Christianity Demonstrated And Illustrated ...
Allington, W. (William)
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What reading level is The Truthfulness of Christianity Demonstrated And Illustrated ... book?
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One of the vices against which they most vehemently and incessantly inveighed was that the objection supposes them pur- suing. With what depth of sincerity and sadness they reprobated the following of Pau] by some, of others Apollos and Cephas?
And how unhesitatingly they placed the seal of condemnation on those who ambitiously elevated themselves as leaders of the people, leading them from simplicity and truth.
6. Supposing them to have acted as the objection declares, they must have taught tr
...uths as falsehoods, against both knowledge and conscience. We confess it difficult to believe that men will seek human panegyric in preaching known falsehoods, though they are numerous who seek followers and honors in recommending what the multitude believe.
The fraud alleged against the Apostles would, we imagine, be detected and exposed by the remorse and repentance of at least Hosted by Google 48 CHBISTIAmTY DEMONSTRATED.
one among the multitudes, whose susceptible conscience would revolt and remonstrate, thus leading to exposure and defeat..

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