The Turning Tide

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A potted hothouse plant left behind by the photographers in an attempt to cheer the scene was giving up its last shrivelled petals to the cold. Was it too early for whisky? Rab was knocking around in the front, talking to someone at the door. More reporters? At this hour? No, it wasn’t too early for a drink.
    She flipped through the pages of the book her mum had given her for her birthday all those years ago. Magic And Wonder! the cover promised, 99 real tricks, brain teasers, and mysteries o
...f the Ancient World. The black-and-white photos illustrating the book were dated even back then. The magic tricks featured men with beards and women with winged and frosted hair, in shiny lamé costumes evoking Egyptian dress, eyes outlined in thick kohl. With fixed smiles they demonstrated the steps for making a penny disappear, picking a simple lock, a card trick that relied on memorising a grid of numbers. It reminded Erykah of a saying her old professor Leonie Mandelkern was fond of: any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

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The Turning Tide
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User Reviews:

Guest 4 years ago

This book is a really good book, i didn't read it but its a book, ya know? every book has to be at least a little good XD

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