The Universal Anthology: a Collection of the Best Literature ..., volume 13

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The Universal Anthology: a Collection of the Best Literature ..., volume 13
Richard Garnett, Léon Vallée, Alois Brandl
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He died at Madrid, August 27, 1636. Vega was the idol of his contemponries, and his popularity outside of Spain was almost as remarkable. One of the most proliflc authors in the history of literature, he wrote, according to a conservative esti- mate, eighteen hundred three-act plays, besides hundreds of *'aatos,** several long epic poems, prose romances, religious pastorals, dramatic Interludes, etc Of his four hundred and fifty printed plays may be mentioned : **The Star of Seville," his chief... work ; «« The Gardener's Dog " ; «' Love and Honor'* ; «' Cavalier of Ohnedo."] The Good Shsphebd.
Shbphbbd ! that with thine amorous, sylvan song Hast broken the slumber which encompassed me, — That mad'st thy crook from the accursed tree, On which thy powerful arms were stretched so long I Lead me to mercy's ever-flowing fountains ; For thou my shepherd, guard, and guide shalt be ; I will obey thy voice, and wait to see Thy feet all beautiful from the mountains.
Hear, Shepherd ! — thou who for thy flock art dying, O, wash away these scarlet sins, for thou Bejoicest at the contrite sinner's vow.

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The Universal Anthology: a Collection of the Best Literature ..., volume 13
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