The Universal Anthology: a Collection of the Best Literature ..., volume 30

Cover The Universal Anthology: a Collection of the Best Literature ..., volume 30
The Universal Anthology: a Collection of the Best Literature ..., volume 30
Richard Garnett, Léon Vallée, Alois Brandl
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Fitz-Maurice continues to walk slowly onwards, and the Old Man gives way, step by step. The ground rocks and heaves, and the stones cleaving asunder, a deep, dark grave yawns before them I The Old Man points to it with an air of deriding malignity. Fitz-Maurice bows his head in silence^ as he still proceeds. They have all passed the grave. Sud- denly a dismal howl, a long, deep, and melancholy moan, breaks upon the stillness of the scene.
Again the ground rocks and heaves — again the pavement o
...pens, and another grave gapes beneath their feet I The Old Man points to it, as before. Fitz-Maurice raises his eyes to heaven, and his lips move, as if in prayer. A louder howl, a longer and a deeper moan, are heard ; but Fitz-Maurice ad- vances upon the still retreating footsteps of the Old Man, whose looks betray rage and amazement I And now, upon the leaden-colored mist that had hitherto enveloped them, there grew a streaming brightness of saffron- tinted light, which emitted a most noisome odor, and filled the whole surrounding space; but it was too opaque to render visible more than a small portion of it.

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The Universal Anthology: a Collection of the Best Literature ..., volume 30
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