The Vanishing Thieves

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The book The Vanishing Thieves was written by author Here you can read free online of The Vanishing Thieves book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Vanishing Thieves a good or bad book?
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Frank and Joe regarded the raised wrench warily.
“I said what are you doing here?” the workman repeated.
“We, eh, we’re looking for jobs,” Joe replied, hoping he could talk his way out of the situation. “The front door was locked and nobody answered, so we came in the back way. We thought this was the hiring office, but I guess it isn’t.”
The workman looked them over suspiciously. “What made you think we needed help?”
“We’re auto mechanics,” Frank put in. “Isn’t this a repair shop?”
Another work stepped into the room, and came to a halt when he saw the baldheaded man holding the boys at bay with his wrench.
“What’s going on? he inquired.
“I caught these two nosing around. They claim they’re looking for jobs and wandered in here because they thought it was the hiring office.”
“Wandered in how? Both the front and back doors are locked!”
“The back door was open,” Joe said, his heart pounding.
“What do you think?” the baldheaded man asked his companion.

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