The Victoria History of the County of Suffolk; 2

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2 At Bishop Nykke's visitation of June, 1520, only the prior, John Thetford, and three canons were present. The prior stated that the priory buildings were in sad decay, and that the income was not sufficient for their support. Richard Noris said that Thomas Lowthe, the predecessor of the present prior, had taken with him a breviary belonging to the house. 3 At the visitation of July, 1526, the prior and five canons were present. Prior Thetford com- plained of the unpunctuality of the canons at... high mass on Sundays and the principal feasts.
Nicholas Skete thought the beer was too sweet and weak. 4 The last visitation was held in July, 1532, when the prior and three canons were severally examined, and all testified omnia bene so far as the condition of the house permitted. There were also three novices who were professed by the bishop. The bishop enjoined on the prior to see that the newly professed were instructed in grammar. 6 Prior John Thetford and six canons sub- scribed to the royal supremacy in their chapter- house on 26 August, 1534.

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