The Wades : Jonathan Wade, D.D. [and] Deborah B.L. Wade : a Memorial

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Wade's arrival. It is not likely that he much desired the success of his errand, nor that he strove to persuade the English to desist hos- tilities.
Mr. and Mrs. Judson had been in Ava a little more than three months when this beginning of the war occurred. They were settling, and, with Dr. Price, were seeking for recognition at court. Mrs. Judson, in a letter to her parents, said : "After two years and a half wandering, you will be pleased to hear that I have at last arrived at home, so far as
... this life is concerned, and am once more quietly and happily settled with Mr.
Judson." How delusive the hopes of earth ! The war- wave pulsed northward. Victory was exhilarating to the mind of the Knglish, and vengeance too much of a 52 THE WADES.
fire to die readily in the bosom of the Burmese. Never were two nations more thoroughly filled with the bel- ligerent spirit.
In time the victors were far up the Irrawady, threatening the capital. A drama was, consequently, preparing for Ava, similar to that which had been enacted at Rangoon.

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The Wades : Jonathan Wade, D.D. [and] Deborah B.L. Wade : a Memorial
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