The War of Greek Independence 1821 to 1833

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The War of Greek Independence 1821 to 1833
W Alison Walter Alison Phillips
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The ill-will which the long delay of his coming had bred was forgotten in the joy of his actual arrival ; and to the Greeks it seemed as though a new era had dawned with the moment he set foot on shore.
His first impression of the country he had come to govern was not indeed such as to inspire him with any great measure of hope or confidence. The short detention in Nauplia had itself been a revelation of inconceivable chaos and misery. Ibrahim's cavalry still scoured the country up to the very
...gates ; and inside the walls the wretched town was given up to plague, famine, and a ceaseless war of factions. The chiefs Grivas and Photomaras again held their strongholds of Palamidi and Itsch-kale ; and a fresh bombardment was imminent. The arrival of the new President indeed, backed as he was hy the support of 284 THE WAE OF GREEK INDEPENDENCE the great Powers, served for the time to put an end to the civil strife ; and, at his command, the rival chief- tains willingly surrendered their fortresses, submitted to be reconciled, and placed their forces at his disposal.

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The War of Greek Independence 1821 to 1833
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