The Water Supply of Hampshire Including the Isle of Wight With Records of Sink

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The Water Supply of Hampshire Including the Isle of Wight With Records of Sink
William Whitaker
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Feet. Practically all sand, most of it running 27 Light-coloured clay ... ... About 30 Sand ... 20 or 30 Clay 20 to 30 Sand 60 or 80 Then at the depth of 185 feet a hard bed "was reached which buckled the tubes.
An analysis of the water is given on p. 204, 10 213 30 243 12 255 28 283 20 303 3 306 20 326 h 326i 2H 351 16 367 2 369 14 383 15 398 i 398i 71 406 01 feet.
On the WELLS. MAINLAND. 123 Rockbourne.
Geol. Map 314, new ser.
1. Down Farm, near Knap Barrow.
Sunk by Mr. Ho BBS. 5 feet water.
...- Gravel ... 6 | .. N. Chalk ... 8 I ^^ *^^^- 2. Pebble Pit Cottage.
Sunk by Mr. Hobbs. 3 feet of water.
Sandy loain, with pebbles [Reading Beds] 20 \ r q p, Chalk... ... . ♦. ... ... ... 30 j 3. Cottage, -^ mile east-north-east of West Park Farm.
Sand ... 10 V Bluish loam ^ | Glauconitic loam with Ostrea hellovaciua > 13 yZl feet. Hovodi hy Ph, ola(Udpr(/> ... ... J | Chalk 4J Romsey, Geol. Map 299, new ser.
The Brewery. New Well. 1900.
Communicated by Mr. W. Matthews.
About 48 feet above Ordnance Datum.

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