The Weapon of Night

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Damn the fellow for being late, when there was pressing AXE business waiting back in Baghdad! And damn Hawk, too, for sending him scurrying off to Cairo like some messenger boy.Now cut that out, Eiger, he told himself. The old man wouldn’t have sent you here if it hadn’t been pretty urgent. It’s not for long, anyway. One quick meeting with him, may-, be a little sightseeing with him for window dressing, and that’s it.Agent Eiger settled back behind his newspaper and turned to the editorial pages.... But his mind was on the coming meeting, and where they should go once they had met. Obviously they couldn’t talk here. Nor did Sadek want the meeting in his own home, which was understandable if there was something in the air. He wondered briefly if he could have missed the fellow, then decided almost at once that he could not. Hawk’s descriptions — Carter’s, too — had a way of being devastatingly accurate. As for Eiger himself, he was wearing the prescribed light suit and dark blue tie, reading the London Times and carrying a worn leather camera bag.

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