The Welfare of Children: a Reading List On the Care of Dependent Children

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The Welfare of Children: a Reading List On the Care of Dependent Children
Brooklyn Public Library
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Summer outing work in Chicago Charities, v. 9: 342-6, Oct 4, '02).
Country outings for city children Charities, v. 12: 695-703, Jul. 2, '04).
33 (in (in Brandt, Lilian What a day brought forth at Sea Breeze {in Charities, v. 12: 816-7, Aug. 6, '04).
Fresh air eatcunion of colored children.
Ovington, M. W. Fresh air work among colored children in New York (m Charities, v. 17: 115-7, Oct 13, '06).
Almy, Frederic Advertising fresh-air work (in Charities Review, v. 9: 280-1, Sept. '99).
... methods of raising funds used in Buffalo.
Extension of fresh air work (in Charities Review, v. 10: ^S'7, Sept '00).
c. Methods of reform.
I. Reformatories.
Children (in N. C. C. C 1905. p. 94-i49> 539-46).
Articles on: Report of committee, JuTcnile reformatory of the twentieth century, T^lea for esthetic surroundings. Evils of institu- tional childhood. Ethical culture in children's institutions, Indus- trial causes of jurenile delinquency. Discussion.
Du Cane, Punishment and prevention of crime.

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The Welfare of Children: a Reading List On the Care of Dependent Children
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