The Wind From a Burning Woman: Six Stories of Science Fiction

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Why do you want to go?Ive got reasons.Are you a criminal in Ibreem?Jeshua shook his head. Im sick, he said. Nothing contagious. But I was told a city might cure me, if I could find a way in.Ive met your kind before, Thinner said. But theyve never made it. A few years ago Winston sent a whole pilgrimage of sick and wounded to a city. Bristled its barbs like a fighting cat. No mercy there, you can believe.But you have a way, now.Okay, Thinner said. We can go back. Its on the other side of Arat. Yo...uve got me a little curious now. And besides, I think I might like you. You look like you should be dumb as a creeper, but youre smart. Sharp. And besides, youve still got that club. Are you desperate enough to kill?Jeshua thought about that for a moment, then shook his head.Its almost dark, Thinner said. Lets camp and start in the morning.In the far valley at the middle of Arat, the Mesa Canaan citynow probably to be called the Arat citywas warm and sunset-pretty, like a diadem. Jeshua made a bed from the reeds and watched Thinner as he hollowed out the ground and made his own nest.

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The Wind From a Burning Woman: Six Stories of Science Fiction
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