The Wind in the Rose-Bush: And Other Stories of the Supernatural

Cover The Wind in the Rose-Bush: And Other Stories of the Supernatural
The Wind in the Rose-Bush: And Other Stories of the Supernatural
Freeman Mary Eleanor Wilkins
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Scarcely a word was spoken during the process of moving, but they all worked with trembling haste and looked guilty when they met one another's eyes, as if conscious of betraying a common fear.
That afternoon the young minister, John Dunn, went to Sophia Gill and requested permission to occupy the southwest chamber that night.
*'I don't ask to have my effects riioved there," said he, **for I could scarcely afford a room so much superior to the one I now occupy, but I would like, if you please, sleep there to-night for the purpose of refuting in my own person any imf orttmate superstition which may have obtained root here." Sophia Gill thanked the minister gratefully and eagerly accepted his offer.
**How anybody with common sense can The Southwest Chamber 157 believe for a minute in any such nonsense passes my comprehension," said she.
"It certainly passes mine how anybody with Christain faith can beUeve in ghosts," said the minister gently, and Sophia Gill felt a certain feminine contentment in hearing him.

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The Wind in the Rose-Bush: And Other Stories of the Supernatural
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