The Wolfe

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That evening would mark the beginning of Adam’s knighting ceremony and he had much to do, so he had kissed her tenderly on the forehead and moved on to his pressing duties. She was sorry to see him go, but she was also glad so that he would not see her in her agony as she fought off a monstrous wine-induced headache. And after her run-in with the soldier, she was shaken to the core.
    She relayed the incident with Alexander to Jemma and her cousin was furious to say the least. She ranted and r
...aved and threatened to punch the man’s face in, but in the same breath she thanked God that she had confessed Jordan’s whereabouts to the captain. She had been terrified that Jordan would never speak to her again.
    Michael was left in charge of the ladies that afternoon. She was surprised when he insisted that she go for a walk, contending that the fresh air would help clear her head. She agreed, but Jemma was even worse off than she was and took to her bed with a splitting headache and an upset stomach.

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