The Word Game

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Tricia should be home in bed with Mark, but instead she was sitting on Myah’s couch.
    “I’m sorry I called. You should be in bed sleeping, not having to talk me off a cliff.” Myah curled her long and lithe legs beneath her on the couch and draped a throw over herself.
    “You honestly think I’d be sleeping?” Tricia snagged a corner of the throw and covered her cold feet. Huge cups of tea sat on the coffee table in front of them, although Tricia was sure a little bit of alcohol had found its w
...ay into Myah’s mug.
    “I don’t know what to do Tricia.” Myah sighed as she pulled her long hair into a ponytail.
    “Myah, I’m so sorry. I wish . . . I wanted to discuss what Lyla had said to Alyson before mentioning it to you. I wanted to know if it was true or not, before I said anything.” She wasn’t sure how she could explain what happened, what she’d expected, or . . .
    “Would you still have told me?

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