The Work of the Scottsbluff Reclamation Project Experiment Farm in 1918 And 1919

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A yield of 11 tons pays expenses plus 2 tons for profit.
A yield of 12 tons pays expenses plus 3 tons for profit.
A yield of 15 tons pays expenses plus 6 tons for profit.
A yield of 18 tons pays expenses plus 9 tons for profit.
This statement indicates that the profit from a 15- ton yield is twice as much as from a 12-ton yield, the profit from an 18-ton yield being 4^ times that from a yield of 11 tons. An acre of beets that yields 18 tons gives the same net profit as the yield from 4£ acres t
...hat produce 11 tons per acre. On an 80-acre farm where 3 acres are used for buildings and 77 acres for field crops, the crop area may be divided into seven fields of 1 1 acres each and the follow- ing 7-year rotation followed: (1) Small grain and alfalfa, (2) alfalfa, (3) alfalfa, (4) alfalfa, (5) potatoes, (6) beets, (7) beets manured.
On this basis the number of profit tons from the 22 acres of beets grown in the sixth and seventh years will amount to 44 tons more than from the entire 77 acres where beets are grown on land that has not recently been manured or in alfalfa.

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