The Works of Rufus Choate: Memoir. Lectures And Addresses

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The Works of Rufus Choate: Memoir. Lectures And Addresses
Rufus Choate, Samuel Gilman Brown
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Webster said, ' Didn't I tell you he would use the word " abnormal " before he got through ? He got it in col- lege, and it came from old President Wheelock.' .... After the trial was over, Mr. Webster spoke very freely of Mr.
Choate, in a private conversation at our hotel, and expressed the highest admiration of him. He said he often listened to him with wonder ; and that when he argued cases at Wash- ington, the judges of the Supreme Court expressed their amazement at the brilliancy and power
... of his oratory, even in the discussion of dry legal points. He said they had often mentioned it to him." It was understood that in this case the jury stood at first, 1 Hon. Reuben A. Chapman, now one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts.
Digitized by Google 1845-1849.] SPEECH AT BROOKLINE. JgJ ten for the will, and two against it ; on the third ballot they agreed.
In the political campaign of 1848, which resulted in the election of Gen. Taylor, Mr. Choate took a prominent and willing part.

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