The Works of Soame Jenynsesq volume 4

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The Works of Soame Jenynsesq volume 4
Soame Jenyns
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IV. M many many centuries, and which had been autho- rifed by the example of characters, to whom they looked up with the moft profound ve- neration j and therefore many of them, after their converfion, continued in the practice of it.
That they did fo, feems to be confirmed by what St. Paul writes to Titus, that " a " bifhop muft be blamelefs, the hufband of " one wife j" that is, that although polygamy might be overlooked in fome of the Jewilh converts, who could not be prevailed on to accept
...Chriftianity on any other terms, it could not be fuffered in any one who un- dertook fo important and fo facred an office as that of a bifhop ; whofe life ought to be exemplary, and his conduct free even from the imputation of all blame. From hence it appears evident, that polygamy was al- ways confidered, by Chrift and his Apoftles, as incompatible with the religion which they taught j and that, although it might be to- lerated in fome of the Jewifh profelytes, who had immemorial cuftom to plead in its be- half, C '63 3 half, yet, even in them, it was looked upon as extremely blameable, and was never claimed by or permitted to any of the Gen- tiles who were converted.

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