The Wyndham Legacy (1994)

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The book The Wyndham Legacy was written by author Here you can read free online of The Wyndham Legacy book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Wyndham Legacy a good or bad book?
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She was writing and humming as she wrote, quicker and quicker, which meant that it was coming easily now. A blessing, he thought, for she’d been so silent, so very withdrawn, damnation, so very broken, since their return from Paris some weeks before.He waited patiently, grateful that she had something important to her to give her thoughts another direction. She looked up, jumped slightly at the unexpected sight of him, then smiled. “Do come in, Badger. I was so immersed in this. It happens somet...imes, which is good.”“I know, I know. It means everything is flowing freely out of that clever head of yours.”“Clever? Well, that’s an interesting thought, isn’t it? Odd, isn’t it. Now I do it because of the fun of it, not because I have to pay the rent or buy eggs or try to pay your wages.”She’d always paid him, despite his protests. She’d always paid him first, even before paying the rent on Pipwell Cottage. He’d hated it but he’d known it was important to her; paying him proved to her that she had control over her life.

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