This Round I'm Yours

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In the past thirty-six hours, he had flown halfway around the world and back, and his punishing schedule was beginning to take a toll on his body. Even so, nothing would have stopped him from coming here.
To Lace.
As he waited for her to open the door, several scenarios played in his mind. Various beginnings, same ending, and that was him inside of her while she cried out her love for him. He would do whatever it take to make that happen.
When the door opened, he started to smile at the sight of
... his little lamb.  But a second later, his blood turned cold, his smile wiped away by the sight of another man coming out of her room behind Lace. Both their clothes were rumpled, their hair mussed, and her lips looked ravaged.
Silver didn’t even think.
In an instant, he had the younger guy against the wall, his feet dangling in the air.
“Make him stop, Lace—”
“Don’t you fucking say her name!” Silver raised his fist, and he would have beaten the shit out of the guy if not for Lace crying out.

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