Three Years of a Wanderer's Life 1

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Three Years of a Wanderer's Life 1
Keane, John F. (John Fryer), 1854-1937
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This was perforated with bayonet-holes, evidently reminiscences of the late war. We passed through Kassasin and Tel-el- Kebir, at which latter place we saw the remains of Arabi's works — wonderful defences ; nothing but a night attack could have been successful with the forces employed against them. We have little to be proud of in our operations in Egypt, no matter how brilliant the generalship may have been.
In this narrative I will not invite discussion on such matters, but confine myself to
... description.
There is a pretty bit of green at the little Enghsh cemetery at Tel-el-Kebir. From Zagazig, though the country has become fertile, dust and sand comes into the carriages nearly as copiously as in the desert.
We reached Cairo about five o'clock, and felt little inclined for anything more than a lounge and smoke before and after dinner ; then early to bed, for we must be on our way to the Pyramids by six o'clock next morning.
A WANDERERS LIFE. 113 On entering Shepheard's Hotel I heard a voice say, " Hullo, Keane !

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Three Years of a Wanderer's Life 1
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