Thunderstrike in Syria

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"We'll turn on Shlomo Hamelech and enter the Temple Area by way of the NewGate entrance," the driver called over his shoulder. "The House of Medals is on St. Francis Way." "Yes, I know the area," Leah said. "St. Francis Way is only a short distance from the New Gate Road. Let us out close to the Holy Sepulchre. We'll walk the rest of the way." The driver slowed the car and we proceeded in silence. I had been in Jerusalem before and this was familiar territory to me. Nothing had changed. Hebrew a...nd Arab newspapers were still being sold from the same stands. But cigarettes had risen in price. The Volvo passed a sign: American cigarettes $1.80 a pack.
    Slowly, we drove past tiny stalls selling a favorite tidbit, round rolls encrusted with sesame seeds and served with hard-boiled eggs. Other stalls sold gazoz, a raspberry-flavored carbonated water. There were open sheds displaying felael, a kind of vegetarian meatball made of chick-peas and peppers; and neat Occidental posters advertising Ponds Almond Cream.

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