Titus Crow [1] the Burrowers Beneath

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You surprise me!’ Peaslee seemed shocked. ‘Do you really think we’d risk men by asking them to contact Cthulhu?’ He frowned. ‘And yet, in fact . . . there was one of our telepaths who took it upon himself to do just that. He was a “dreamer”, just like you, and he was on a nonaddictive drug we’ve developed to induce deep sleep. But on one occasion, well, he didn’t follow orders. Left a note explaining what he was trying to do. AH very laudable -and very stupid! He’s in a Boston asylum now; hopele...ss case.’ ‘Good God … of course!’ Crow gasped as the implications hit him. ‘He would be!’ ‘Yes,’ Peaslee grimly agreed. ‘Anyhow, this method of ours of using telepaths didn’t evolve properly until two years ago, but now we’ve developed it fully. I flew over here yesterday in the company of one of our telepaths, and later today he’ll be off to look up a British colleague - a pilot, ostensibly in “Ordnance Survey”. They’ll hire a small aeroplane, and tomorrow or the day after they’ll start quartering England, Scotland, and Wales.’ ‘Quartering?’ I asked.

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Titus Crow [1] the Burrowers Beneath
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