To Love a Shifter: a Paranormal Romance Boxed Set

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I was eighteen when my father took me with him to attend my first Caro ball. And this was no ordinary ball for it was the First Night. This is a special occasion for their kind, one that had every beautiful being of their race making their way to the Brethren, where the Season of Crimson Fetes will formally begin.
      Caro parties are not like any human or even non-human eyes would ever see. They party hard…harder even than the dying breeds of fauns and nymphs who answer to Dionysius’ call. In
... these parties, everything is brighter and louder, more colorful, more dazzling, and more glamorous. There seems no end to them: as the memories of one ball fades away, another one emerges, noble Caro families trying to outdo each other with gloriously decadent fetes that only the most privileged can enjoy.
      Everything is opulent without being gaudy. You can say anything you want about Caros, but one thing they’ll always be is tasteful. Everything about them—the way they speak, dress, even the way they kill—everything is done with such impeccable grace.        The Season of Crimson Fetes is meant to celebrate the race’s ascendancy.

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To Love a Shifter: a Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
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