Today in Ireland

Cover Today in Ireland
Today in Ireland
Crowe, Eyre Evans, 1799-1868
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St. Roque in reply t(dd his tale, as best he could ; and the tidings he conveyed were im- portant enough to turn o£P the severe scrutiny and condemnation to salt and water, to which otherwise he had certainly been submitted.
"Grod! if that's the go, O'Lamy's in for it at last — the gun-brig lost, and some of the sea^ men evidently killed by shot, not shipwrecked.
Well done, Prince OXamy ! — yoiu: goose has laid her last golden egg. There '11 be a flotilla up Lough Corrib, and outlawry on the bi
...g smu^ler. What 's to be done in that case?" CONKEMAEA. S99 ^* The sea is the King of BritainV' quoth another, ^* and a cannon-^hot from the coast all round-— then he may batter Castle Corribj or what castle he will, but amongst the hills and bogs here we ^11 have no king nor king^s men but our own, — soldier, sailor, red-coat, blue- ooat, revenue-man, or policeman; none shall enter Connemara, that we wonH knock on the head like sheep.*" " You Ve laid down the law right, M^Ma- nus,*^ said the monarch, ^^ a musquet-shot, I think, from the coast is the King of England^s, the rest of Connemara is inviolable.

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