
Cover Together
Macmillan Company. Pbl
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Occasionally she felt lonely in this packed procession, thi^ hotel existence, with its multitude of strange faces, and longed for something familiar, even Torso ! At such times when she saw the face of an old acquaintance, perhaps in a cab at a standstill in the press of the avenue, her heart TOGETHER 231 warmed. Even a fleeting glimpse of something known was a relief. Clearly she must settle herself into this whirlpool, put out her tentacles, and grasp an anchorage. But where? What?
One mornin
...g as she and her mother were making slow progress down the avenue, she caught sight of Margaret Pole on the sidewalk, waiting to cross the stream, a little boy's hand in hers. Isabelle waved to her frantically, and then leaped from the cab, dodged between the pushing motors, and grasped Margaret.
"You here!'' she gasped.
"We came back some months ago," Margaret explained.
She was thin, Isabelle thought, and her face seemed much older than the years warranted. Margaret, raising her voice above the roar, explained that they were living out of town, "in the country, in Westchester," and promised to come to lunch the next time she was in the city.

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