
Cover Toil
Daniel Florence Leary
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It follows man his mind above, That shade and shine must alternate, That good and ill on earth must mate, And sorrow stalk in wake of love.
By shift of light from sorrow's strand, I found a spot with wisdom fraught, Enthroned around the bend of thought Were Mirth and Wit joined hand in hand.
And down they flew, we circled three, Together danced the sparkling grass; The ghosts of fear dark shadows pass : Looked brighter all the earth to me.
With kindest smile I haste to greet The humblest
...wight that treads the earth; No brother's soul of good bears dearth, E'en fungus growths make sweetest meat.
And uttered oft is noblest thought Through lips that clothe with raucous voice, - Those thoughts that make the soul rejoice, And bless the teacher and the taught.
Who raises, hoping present gain, False hopes to lure the toiling poor, False fancies which from toil allure, Will reap the interest of pain.
For he that lends himself to Hate Becomes the galley-slave of Pain; He rows within no dawn of Gain; He reaps but loss to low estate.

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