Tom Burke of "ours" 2

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What reading level is Tom Burke of "ours" 2 book?
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She and her husband had been banislied to Chitepsk, and, as he was ill, she had put on a false beard, and was taking a short stage in his place." I did not venture to wait for more, but leaving Duchesne to make the most of the General, passed onwards towards the salon, which already was rapidly filling with visitors.
The Countess received me with more than wonted kindness of man- ner, and Mademoiselle assumed a tone of actual cordiality I had never perceived before, while, as she exchanged gree
...tings with me, she said in a low voice : — " Let me speak with you, in the picture-gallery, in half an hour." Before I could utter my assent she had passed on, and was speaking to another.
Somewhat curious to conceive what Mademoiselle de Lacostellerie might mean by her appointment in the gallery, I avoided the groups where I perceived my acquaintances were, and strolled negligently on towards the place of meeting. The gallery was but half lighted, as was customary on mere nights of visiting, and I found it quite de- serted.

What to read after Tom Burke of "ours" 2?
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Tom Burke of "ours" 2
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