Transferring of Bees

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Transferring From Barrels, Hollov? Logs, etc; When the bees are housed in a barrel, a section of hollow log, or other make-shift for a hive, which, on account of its form, may not lend itself easily to one of the methods just explained, the following plan is recom- mended.
Eemove part of the head or top of the barrel and turn it upside down, saw the barrel off close to the combs and tilt as in the case of the box- hives. Elevate the new hive so that the bottom board is even with the upper edge
...of the barrel. Blow smoke in at the bottom of the inverted barrel and drum on the sides, blowing in occasional puffs of smoke, until all the bees have run up into the new hive. See that the ends, or edges, of the combs in the barrel face the entrance of the hive and are not turned broadside. The bees between the combs will not linger so long if the smoke gets between the combs quickly and the beekeeper standing opposite the entrance can watch tlie progress more easily.
After the bees have been drummed out and the new hive set on the stand where the barrel formerly stood, the best combs in the barrel can be used in frames, as in the case of the " Direct Method," providing the beekeeper is certain no American foulbrood exists.

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Transferring of Bees
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