Treatment of Oats for Smut

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Treatment of Oats for Smut
A D Archibald Dixon Shamel
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* hifthiftcLcLftCLcLft ftftftftftftftft 62 BULLETIN NO. 64. [March, tgOI. J rkEATMENT OK OATS FOR SMUT. 63 of May and June, so that there is no outside evidence of the pres- ence of the smut plant. When the oat plant begins to head out, the slender smut threads penetrate the oat kernels and develop each kernel into a mass of smut spores. TREATMENT TO PREVENT SMUT. It has been found that it is possible to treat the seed oats so as to destroy the vitality of the spores of smut and not injure the of the oat kernel. This treated seed will raise a crop of oats free from smut. If there are no smutted fields near by where the treated oats are grown the oats will not become smutted again for several years. It is believed that treatment once every fourth year will keep the oats practically free from smut. HOT WATER TREATMENT. The apparatus needed for treating seed oats in hot water con- sists of an ordinary scalding kettle, one barrel, several gunny sacks, and an accurate thermometer. The farmer may use his ingenuity in the selection of apparatus, making- use of whatever conveniences he may have at hand by which he may accomplish the desired result.

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