Tucker's Countryside

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The book Tucker's Countryside was written by author Here you can read free online of Tucker's Countryside book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Tucker's Countryside a good or bad book?
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All the animals agreed that next to gas stations it was the worst thing that could happen. Individual houses would have been bad enough, but at least some of the smaller folk could have found homes in the shrubs and hedges around them. But with apartment houses—great, tall structures of brick and concrete—there wasn’t much hope for anyone.
Secretly, although no one said so out loud, everyone was still hoping that Tucker Mouse could come up with a plan to save them. And Tucker knew it. When he we
...nt out walking and met Henry Chipmunk, he could tell from the hopeful way Henry said “Hello, Mr. Mouse!” that the chipmunk still had confidence in him. Henry was always asking him to come and visit him and his sister Emily in their home on the other side of the brook. But Tucker didn’t go. It was too painful to be in the company of friends who trusted you to help them, when you didn’t know how you could. Poor Tucker! He took long walks, and racked his brains—and became almost as fond of the Old Meadow as the animals who had lived their whole lives there—but still, he could think of nothing.

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