Twelve Letters On the Future of New York

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Twelve Letters On the Future of New York
G H George Henry Andrews
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The diversion of the grain trade from New York is illus- trated by tlie following table from the Railroad Gazette of 40 February 23, showing the percentage of tlie total receipts at each port for eleven years : o Boston. New York. Philadelphia. o a P5 S o < 1866 10. 9 10. 3 7. 8 11. 0 9. 7 10. 3 10. 3 11. 4 9. 3 9. 6 9. 0 11. 6 13. 5 11. 0 10. 0 10. 4 9. 6 10. 0 10. 3 9. 3 10. 3 10. 7 61. 2 55. 3 57. 9 55. 0 55. 7 57. 0 53 4 53. 8 55. 8 53. 3 45. 8 7. 7 8. 8 11. 7 13. 3 13. 3 13. 9 14. 3 14. 3 13. 8 15. 7 16. 8 8. 6 13. 1 11. 6 11. 7 11. 9 10. 3 13. 3 11. 3 13. 9 13. 3 17. 7 38. 8 1867 44. 7 1868 1869 1870 43. 1 45. 0 44. 3 1871 43. 0 1873 46. 6 1873 ■.. 47. 3 1874 44. 3 1875 47. 7 1876 54. 3 Notwithstanding the relative decrease, there has been a very large actual increase in the receipts at New York ; for while our receipts in 1866 were only 58, 500, 000, they were in 18Y6, 97, 000, 000 bushels. In exports of grain, however, while New York has increased only 1, 000, 000 from 1873 to 1876, Phila- delphia has risen from less than 5, 000, 000 to more than 22, - 000, 000, and Baltimore from 9, 000, 000 to more than 24, 000, 000 bushels during the same period.

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