Twentieth Century Impressions of British Malaya: Its History, People, Commerce, Industries, And Resources;

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In 1884 he entered the Home Civil Service, and was for three years in the Office of Works. At the end of this period he came to the Straits Settlements as a cadet, and after studying Tamil in Madras he was appointed Acting District Officer, Pro- vince Wellesley, South. Between 1890 and i8g6 he held the positions of District Officer, Acting Second Magisti'ate, and Acting Second Assistant Protector of Indian Immigrants in Pinang. During the next two years he filled various official positions in P...inang and Malacca.
Since 1898 he has served in Singapore succes- sively as Inspector of Prisons, Acting First Magistrate, Acting Assistant Colonial Sec- retary, and Acting Colonial Treasurer, while his present appointment dates from June, 1904. When the Singapore Volunteer Ar- tillery was started he joined as a gunner in the ranks. His absence in the northern settle- ment for eleven years prevented any practical expression of his enthusiasm for volunteering, but on his return to Singapore he received rapid promotion, and in 1900 was appointed Captain in the Singapore Volunteer Rifles.

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