Über Gebirgsbau Und Boden Des Nördlichen Mittelamerika

Cover Über Gebirgsbau Und Boden Des Nördlichen Mittelamerika
Über Gebirgsbau Und Boden Des Nördlichen Mittelamerika
Sapper, Karl, 1866-1945
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Many delicious fruits have been produced by fertilizing one plant with peilen from another.
New varieties of grapes and berries are constantly obtained in this way.
If you live on a f arm or have a garden, you might try to develop some new kinds of berries or fruits.
You might not succeed, but it would do no härm to try.
Chlorophyll is plant green.
That is what the word means.
We are so used to seeing leaves that we think very about it.
>robably never has occur
...red to of US that the green coloring- r of plants can be of much tance. Yet it is one of the important things in the world.
e many other things, it is not it seems. It is not merely a dye as one might suppose, but much more than that.
We cannot really see what it is without a microscope, and when we look at a piece of green leaf through the microscope we are sur- prised to find the leaf is not green at all.
13i Digitized by VjOOQIC STORIES AB OUT ALL SORTS OF THINGS. 135 It is colorless like glass, but in the cells just behind the skin cells we see little roundish green bodies packed away.

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Über Gebirgsbau Und Boden Des Nördlichen Mittelamerika
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